DenmarkRegion of Southern DenmarkFanøFANØ tourist attractions+15 attractions Fanø tourist mapSee on the mapFanø most popular citiesSee all cities+Fanø+15attractions Fanø the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesMuseumsShow allnumber 3 in the cityFANØDenmarkShip Model & Costume Museumnumber 5 in the cityFANØDenmarkFanø Art Museumnumber 7 in the cityFANØDenmarkFanø Museumnumber 10 in the cityFANØDenmarkHanne Housenumber 14 in the cityFANØDenmarkFanø DagbogLookoutsShow allnumber 9 in the cityFANØDenmarkKikkebjergnumber 11 in the cityFANØDenmarkPælebjergOther categories:ChurchesBeachesAnimals