Local name: Kolonáda
The Main Colonnade in Marianske Lazne was built in the Neo-Baroque style in the 1880s. Thanks to the reconstruction work, you can admire the beautiful coffered ceiling and frescoes by Josef Vyleťal today. Bronze reliefs were made by Antonín Kuchař. The colonnade was entered in the register of Czech monuments.
The currently renovated and illuminated colonnade is a symbol of Marianske Lazne. Together with the Singing Fountain and the pavilions of the sources: Karolina, Rudolf and Krzyżowe it is the axis of the whole spa. Various types of performances and cultural events are organized here.
Its iron structure was designed by two architects: Hans Miksch and Julian Niedzielski, it was cast in the metallurgical works of Prince Salma in Blansko. In the 1950s, it was named after the Russian writer Maksim Gorky.
Attractions inside