The Castle Gardens are a historic garden and park establishment next to the archbishop's palace in Kromieryż. The garden covers 64 ha, belonging to the largest historic parks in the Czech Republic. The first mention of a functional and decorative garden at the episcopal castle in Kroměříž comes from 1509. Since 1998, the park with the palace and the Flower Garden is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
The oldest building in the park is a loggia with double stairs from the late eighteenth century. Other buildings were built in the first half of the nineteenth century: Chinese Pavilion, Fisherman's House, Pompeian Colonnade and Maximilian Courtyard.
Today, the park grows more than 200 species of trees and shrubs, including many exotic species from various regions of Asia, Europe and America. There is also a small birdhouse here, and peacocks slowly walk around the park. The park is a public place for recreation and rest for the city's inhabitants and numerous tourists visiting Kroměříž.
Attractions inside