Jirásek Park
Local name: Jiráskovy sady
Jiraskove Sady is a park located on the site of a former municipal vegetable garden. It is currently primarily a place for recreation and rest. On its territory there are rose and alpine gardens, a network of walking paths, gazebos and a wooden Greek Catholic church moved in 1934 from Mała Polana.
The park was made in the second half of the 19th century. Its name comes from the gardens and orchards located here, which belonged to a military man named Jirasek. The natural boundary of the establishment is the connection of the Elbe and Orlica rivers. A picturesque park has found a place in this triangle.
The park has an area of over 5 hectares. It consists of two parts. The first is an orderly garden with flower beds, lawns and level alleys, the second is a natural grove. In 1934, a decaying wooden Greek Catholic church was moved to the garden from Mała Polana. The temple of the sixteenth century was very badly damaged during World War I. It is now one of the park's attractions.
Attractions inside