Ohrada Castle
Local name: Zámek Ohrada
Ohrada Castle is a former Schwarzenberg hunting residence. It stands near fish ponds and the zoo in Hluboka. Currently, it houses the Museum of Forestry, Hunting and Fisheries, with exhibitions devoted to the history and present day of these areas.
The castle was erected in the Baroque style in the years 1708-1713, according to the design of the Prague architect Pavel Ignác Bayer for Prince Adam Františk Schwarzenberg. It is a L-shaped building, three-storey covered with a mansard roof. It served as a meeting point for hunting, a place to sleep during them, as well as a banquet hall away from the official castle, and thus ensuring greater discretion.
In 1842, the first exhibition on hunting was opened in the castle. Over time, it evolved into a state museum subordinate to the National Museum of Agriculture. It currently includes 4 exhibitions about forestry, hunting, fishing and falconry. Various types of hunting weapons, fishing and fishing equipment, stuffed animal specimens, hunting trophies, as well as engravings and photos depicting hunting and falcon shows are shown here.
Attractions inside