AustriaStyriaNeuberg an der MurzNEUBERG AN DER MURZ tourist attractions+2 attractions Neuberg an der Murz tourist mapSee on the mapNeuberg an der Murz top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityNEUBERG AN DER MURZAustriaNiederalplnr 2 in the cityNEUBERG AN DER MURZAustriaTotes Weib FallsOther categories:WaterfallsNeuberg an der Murz Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityMELKAustriaMelk Monastery+1Attraction inside TOPnr 1 in the cityMARIAZELLAustriaBasilica MariazellTOPnr 1 in the citySTUBENBERGAustriaHerberstein ZooTOPnr 1 in the citySPITAL AM SEMMERINGAustriaSemmering Ski ResortTOPnr 2 in the cityMELKAustriaChurch of St. Peter and PaulTOPnr 1 in the cityHINTERBRUHLAustriaNature Park Sparbachnr 1 in the cityMIXNITZAustriaBärenschütz gorgenr 1 in the cityBADEN BEI WIENAustriaSpa Park+7attractions inside nr 2 in the citySPITAL AM SEMMERINGAustriaStuhlecknr 2 in the cityMARIAZELLAustriaMariazeller Bürgeralpenr 1 in the cityFORCHTENSTEINAustriaForchtenstein Castlenr 2 in the cityBADEN BEI WIENAustriaThermal pools Badennr 3 in the cityBADEN BEI WIENAustriaBaden Roman Thermsnr 1 in the citySANKT AEGYD AM NEUWALDEAustriaCamel Theater and White Zoonr 1 in the cityMÖNICHKIRCHENAustriaSki resort Mönichkirchen-Marienseenr 1 in the cityGRATWEIN-STRASSENGELAustriaStübing Open-air Museumnr 1 in the cityGOSTLING AN DER YBBSAustriaHochkar Ski Resortnr 2 in the citySTUBENBERGAustriaHerberstein Gardennr 4 in the cityBADEN BEI WIENAustriaCasino Badennr 1 in the cityST. PÖLTENAustriaMuseum Lower Austria