Most popular toy museums Most popular toy museums Toy museums mapSee on the map+AUGSBURGGermanyTheater Puppet Museum+ANGERGermanyHans-Peter Porsche Traumwerk+MOIRANS-EN-MONTAGNEFranceToy Museum+FIGUERESSpainCatalonia Toy Museum+KARPACZPolandLego Museum+TARTUEstoniaToy Museum+VILNIUSLithuaniaToy Museum+HELSINKIFinlandToy Museum Suomenlinna+RAVENSBURGGermanyRavensburger Museum+PALERMOItalyAntonio Pasqualino Museum+BASELSwitzerlandToy Worlds Museum+ZAGAROLOItalyToy Museum+STOCKHOLMSwedenThe Bergrummet - Tidö Collection of Toys & Comics+BADENSwitzerlandSwiss Children's Museum+PADUAItalyVeneto Toy Museum+JABLONEC NAD NISOUCzechiaToy Museum+TRIERGermanyToy Museum Trier+JOSSELINFranceDolls and Toys Museum+WAMBRECHIESFranceDoll and Old Toy Museum+HARNDRUPDenmarkHistorical Doll Museum+SKAGENDenmarkSkagen Teddy Bear Museum+BRNOCzechiaToy Museum+RIEHENSwitzerlandToy Museum+LÜBECKGermanyMuseum of Theatre Puppets+BILLUNDDenmarkLego Idea House+BILLUNDDenmarkTeddy Bear Art Museum+MUNICHGermanyToy Museum+ANGERAItalyDoll and Toy Museum+GÖRLITZGermanyToy Museum+AEUGST AM ALBISSwitzerlandPegasus Small World Toy MuseumRanking - toy museums CzechiaShow all+number 2 in the cityJABLONEC NAD NISOUCzechiaToy Museum+number 33 in the cityBRNOCzechiaToy Museum+number 207 in the cityPRAGUECzechiaMusic and fairy taleRanking - toy museums DenmarkShow all+number 5 in the cityHARNDRUPDenmarkHistorical Doll Museum+number 12 in the citySKAGENDenmarkSkagen Teddy Bear Museum+number 5 in the cityBILLUNDDenmarkLego Idea House+number 6 in the cityBILLUNDDenmarkTeddy Bear Art MuseumRanking - toy museums EstoniaShow all+number 5 in the cityTARTUEstoniaToy MuseumRanking - toy museums FinlandShow all+number 45 in the cityHELSINKIFinlandToy Museum SuomenlinnaRanking - toy museums FranceShow all+number 1 in the cityMOIRANS-EN-MONTAGNEFranceToy Museum+number 3 in the cityJOSSELINFranceDolls and Toys Museum+number 1 in the cityWAMBRECHIESFranceDoll and Old Toy MuseumRanking - toy museums GermanyShow all+TOPnumber 4 in the cityAUGSBURGGermanyTheater Puppet Museum+number 1 in the cityANGERGermanyHans-Peter Porsche Traumwerk+number 1 in the cityRAVENSBURGGermanyRavensburger Museum+number 16 in the cityTRIERGermanyToy Museum Trier+number 26 in the cityLÜBECKGermanyMuseum of Theatre Puppets+number 105 in the cityMUNICHGermanyToy Museum+number 17 in the cityGÖRLITZGermanyToy Museum+number 1 in the cityTRAUNSTEINGermanyCity and Toy Museum+number 1 in the cityRIEDEN AM FORGGENSEEGermanyDoll MuseumRanking - toy museums ItalyShow all+number 27 in the cityPALERMOItalyAntonio Pasqualino Museum+number 1 in the cityZAGAROLOItalyToy Museum+number 28 in the cityPADUAItalyVeneto Toy Museum+number 2 in the cityANGERAItalyDoll and Toy MuseumRanking - toy museums LithuaniaShow all+number 37 in the cityVILNIUSLithuaniaToy MuseumRanking - toy museums PolandShow all+number 6 in the cityKARPACZPolandLego MuseumRanking - toy museums SpainShow all+number 3 in the cityFIGUERESSpainCatalonia Toy MuseumRanking - toy museums SwedenShow all+number 45 in the citySTOCKHOLMSwedenThe Bergrummet - Tidö Collection of Toys & ComicsRanking - toy museums SwitzerlandShow all+number 10 in the cityBASELSwitzerlandToy Worlds Museum+number 1 in the cityBADENSwitzerlandSwiss Children's Museum+number 2 in the cityRIEHENSwitzerlandToy Museum+number 1 in the cityAEUGST AM ALBISSwitzerlandPegasus Small World Toy Museum+number 4 in the cityBADENSwitzerlandTeddy Bear Museum BadenOther categories:Gondola liftsAncient templesPyramidsMegalithsAnimalsBoardwalksLookoutsParksMilitary museumsGorgesGardensBeachesWaterfallsLakesCavesStreetsCathedralsFunicularsPalacesMonumentsCastlesFortressesAquariumsNatural history museumsMuseumsArt galleriesPublic squaresFountainsBotanical GardensTreasuriesChurchesMonasteriesPoolsWater parksBathsMinesNarrow gauge railwaysBridgesSanctuaries