Most popular springs Most popular springs Springs mapSee on the map+SYRACUSEItalyFountain of Arethusa+KOLYMBIAGreeceSeven Springs+ULÌANA/OLIENAItalySource Su Gologone+SZUMIŁÓWKAPolandHoly Mountain of Grabarka+DOLNÍ MORAVACzechiaSource of the Morava River+MOUTHEFranceSpring of the Doubs River+IWONICZ-ZDRÓJPolandBełkotka Spring+BELGRADESerbiaČukur Fountain+OZFranceCombe stream+WITÓWPolandChochołowskie karst spring+VUSANJEMontenegroThe eye of a grasshopper+ROŽATCroatiaSource of the Omble River+CAHORSFranceCarthusian Fountain+SVOGEBulgariaKarst spring Zhitolyub+DONJI BARAĆIBosnia and HerzegovinaSource of the Sana River+VAUJANYFranceRuisseau de la Fare+CUDHIAlbaniaQueen Mother SpringRanking - springs AlbaniaShow all+number 2 in the cityCUDHIAlbaniaQueen Mother SpringRanking - springs Bosnia and HerzegovinaShow all+number 1 in the cityDONJI BARAĆIBosnia and HerzegovinaSource of the Sana RiverRanking - springs BulgariaShow all+number 3 in the citySVOGEBulgariaKarst spring ZhitolyubRanking - springs CroatiaShow all+number 1 in the cityROŽATCroatiaSource of the Omble RiverRanking - springs CzechiaShow all+number 3 in the cityDOLNÍ MORAVACzechiaSource of the Morava RiverRanking - springs FranceShow all+number 1 in the cityMOUTHEFranceSpring of the Doubs River+number 4 in the cityOZFranceCombe stream+number 6 in the cityCAHORSFranceCarthusian Fountain+number 9 in the cityVAUJANYFranceRuisseau de la FareRanking - springs GreeceShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityKOLYMBIAGreeceSeven SpringsRanking - springs ItalyShow all+TOPnumber 3 in the citySYRACUSEItalyFountain of Arethusa+number 1 in the cityULÌANA/OLIENAItalySource Su GologoneRanking - springs MontenegroShow all+number 1 in the cityVUSANJEMontenegroThe eye of a grasshopperRanking - springs PolandShow all+number 2 in the citySZUMIŁÓWKAPolandHoly Mountain of Grabarka+number 2 in the cityIWONICZ-ZDRÓJPolandBełkotka Spring+number 4 in the cityWITÓWPolandChochołowskie karst springRanking - springs SerbiaShow all+number 70 in the cityBELGRADESerbiaČukur FountainOther categories:MegalithsAncient templesLookoutsCavesBoardwalksPalacesMonumentsCathedralsWaterfallsGorgesMuseumsArt galleriesMilitary museumsAnimalsPyramidsAquariumsNatural history museumsFunicularsCastlesLakesParksGardensBeachesGondola liftsFortressesPublic squaresStreetsFountainsBotanical GardensTreasuriesChurchesMonasteriesPoolsWater parksBathsMinesNarrow gauge railwaysBridgesSanctuaries