SwedenVästmanland CountyVÄSTMANLAND COUNTY tourist attractions+8 attractions Västmanland county tourist mapSee on the mapVästmanland county most popular citiesSee all cities+Västerås+6attractions +Arboga+1attraction +Strömsholm+1attraction Västmanland county the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesCastlesShow allnumber 5 in the cityVÄSTERÅSSwedenTidö Castlenumber 6 in the cityVÄSTERÅSSwedenVästerås Castlenumber 1 in the citySTRÖMSHOLMSwedenStrömsholm CastleMuseumsShow allnumber 1 in the cityVÄSTERÅSSwedenVallby Open Air Museumnumber 4 in the cityVÄSTERÅSSwedenKarlsgatan 2number 1 in the cityARBOGASwedenArboga Robot MuseumOther categories:CathedralsMegalithsMilitary museumsChurches