SwedenVästerbotten CountyVÄSTERBOTTEN COUNTY tourist attractions+9 attractions Västerbotten county tourist mapSee on the mapVästerbotten county most popular citiesSee all cities+Umeå+6attractions +Lycksele+1attraction +Bjurholm+1attraction +Olofsfors+1attraction Västerbotten county the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesMuseumsShow allnumber 1 in the cityUMEÅSwedenVästerbotten Museumnumber 2 in the cityUMEÅSwedenThe Picture Museumnumber 3 in the cityUMEÅSwedenGuitars - The Museumnumber 1 in the cityOLOFSFORSSwedenOlofsfors Ironworksnumber 5 in the cityUMEÅSwedenWomen's History Museumnumber 6 in the cityUMEÅSwedenThe Prehistoric WorldOther categories:AnimalsParks