Agricultural Museum
Local name: Lantbruksmuseet
At the Agricultural Museum (Lantbruksmuseet) in Ljusfallshammar, you can see a collection of historic objects, mostly from the 19th century, including: agricultural machinery, as well as kitchen appliances, looms and sewing machines, old dishes, furniture and fabrics.
In one of the four museum buildings, agricultural tractors and carts from various periods are collected. In the museum, you can also see what the carpentry workshop looked like in the past and what tools were used in it.
Guests are invited by the local cafe. where you can drink coffee and taste traditional Swedish snacks and a small amphitheater, where various cultural events are organized, for example music evenings.
The Agricultural Museum was established in 1991, at that time the first two exhibition halls were opened to the public. Further development took place after 2003.
Attractions inside