SwedenGotland CountyGotlandiaKatthammarsvikKATTHAMMARSVIK tourist attractions+1 attraction Katthammarsvik tourist mapSee on the mapKatthammarsvik top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityKATTHAMMARSVIKSwedenSandviken Nature ReserveKatthammarsvik Popular in the area(distance from city center)nr 1 in the cityVISBYSwedenGotland Museumnr 2 in the cityVISBYSwedenHögklint Viewpointnr 1 in the cityLÄRBROSwedenBläse Kalkbruks Museumnr 1 in the cityLICKERSHAMNSwedenVirgo Nature Reservenr 3 in the cityFÅRÖSwedenBergman Centernr 2 in the cityBURGSVIKSwedenHolmhällar Nature Reservenr 3 in the cityVISBYSwedenNorth Gatenr 1 in the cityHAVDHEMSwedenKattlunds Museigårdnr 4 in the cityVISBYSwedenVisby Cathedralnr 1 in the citySTÅNGASwedenNärsholmen Lighthousenr 5 in the cityVISBYSwedenRuins of St. Catherine's Churchnr 2 in the citySTÅNGASwedenVanges Gård Museum