SpainCastile-La ManchaPétrolaPÉTROLA tourist attractions+1 attraction Pétrola tourist mapSee on the mapPétrola top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityPÉTROLASpainSalt LakeOther categories:LakesPétrola Popular in the area(distance from city center)nr 1 in the cityVILLENASpainAtalaya Castlenr 1 in the cityALBACETESpainCathedral of San Juan Bautistanr 1 in the cityALMANSASpainCastle of Almansanr 2 in the cityALBACETESpainFeria de Albacetenr 3 in the cityALBACETESpainMunicipal Museum of Cutlerynr 4 in the cityALBACETESpainBotanical Garden of Castilla-La Manchanr 5 in the cityALBACETESpainJardinillos Parknr 1 in the cityAYNASpainDiablo Viewpointnr 6 in the cityALBACETESpainAlbacete Museumnr 1 in the cityYECLASpainBasilica of the Immaculatenr 7 in the cityALBACETESpainAbelardo Sánchez Urban Parknr 8 in the cityALBACETESpainAlbacete Bullringnr 9 in the cityALBACETESpainLa Fiesta del Árbolnr 1 in the cityJUMILLASpainSierra del Carche Regional Park