SpainCanary IslandsFuerteventuraCofeteCOFETE tourist attractions+2 attractions Cofete tourist mapSee on the mapCofete top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityCOFETESpainJandía Natural Parknr 2 in the cityCOFETESpainWinter VillaCofete Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityLA LAJITASpainOasis Wildlife Fuerteventuranr 1 in the cityBETANCURIASpainRural de Betancuria Parknr 1 in the cityJANDIASpainMorro Jable Lighthousenr 2 in the cityJANDIASpainAjuy Beachnr 3 in the cityJANDIASpainPunta Jandía Lighthousenr 1 in the cityMORRO JABLESpainTurtle Nurserynr 1 in the cityANTIGUASpainSalt Museum Salinas del Carmennr 1 in the cityLAS PLAYITASSpainLa Entallada Lighthousenr 2 in the cityLA LAJITASpainBotanical Garden Fuerteventuranr 1 in the cityVEGA DE RÍO PALMASSpainRisco de las Peñas Viewpointnr 1 in the citySOLANA MATORRALSpainCetacean skeletonnr 2 in the citySOLANA MATORRALSpainMatorral Beachnr 4 in the cityJANDIASpainCofete Viewpointnr 5 in the cityJANDIASpainAjui Caves