SpainAragonBarbastroBARBASTRO tourist attractions+1 attraction Barbastro tourist mapSee on the mapBarbastro top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityBARBASTROSpainCathedral of Our Lady of the AssumptionOther categories:CathedralsChurchesBarbastro Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityLLEIDASpainLa Seu Vella+1Attraction inside nr 1 in the cityAÍNSA-SOBRARBESpainAinsa Castle+1Attraction inside nr 1 in the citySANT ESTEVE DE LA SARGASpainMont-rebei Gorgenr 1 in the cityVIACAMP Y LITERASpainPasarelas de Montfalcó Trailnr 2 in the cityAÍNSA-SOBRARBESpainHistoric Center of Ainsanr 1 in the cityBENABARRESpainCastle of Benabarrenr 2 in the cityLLEIDASpainSeu Vella Cloisternr 1 in the cityHUESCASpainMonastery of San Pedro el Viejonr 1 in the cityBIERGESpainSierra y los Cañones de Guara Natural Parknr 2 in the cityHUESCASpainMiguel Servet Parknr 3 in the cityAÍNSA-SOBRARBESpainFauna Ecomuseumnr 3 in the cityLLEIDASpainNew Cathedral of Lleidanr 1 in the cityCASTELL DE MURSpainMur Castlenr 1 in the cityLAFORTUNADASpainDolmen de Tellanr 4 in the cityLLEIDASpainAutomotive Museumnr 4 in the cityAÍNSA-SOBRARBESpainMain Squarenr 1 in the cityPUENTE DE MONTAÑANASpainKayaking Mont-Rebeinr 5 in the cityAÍNSA-SOBRARBESpainChurch of Santa Marianr 5 in the cityLLEIDASpainLa Mitjana Park