RomaniaIalomițaIALOMIȚA tourist attractions+5 attractions Ialomița tourist mapSee on the mapIalomița most popular citiesSee all cities+Slobozia+4attractions +Ograda+1attraction Ialomița the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesChurchesShow allnumber 1 in the citySLOBOZIARomaniaSfinții Voievozi Monasterynumber 2 in the citySLOBOZIARomaniaCathedral of the Ascension of the Lordnumber 4 in the citySLOBOZIARomaniaSt. Nicholas Wooden ChurchMuseumsShow allnumber 3 in the citySLOBOZIARomaniaNational Museum of Agriculturenumber 1 in the cityOGRADARomaniaIonel Perlea Memorial HouseOther categories:MonasteriesCathedrals