RomaniaCălărașiCĂLĂRAȘI tourist attractions+8 attractions Călărași tourist mapSee on the mapCălărași most popular citiesSee all cities+Călărași+8attractions Călărași the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesChurchesShow allnumber 5 in the cityCĂLĂRAȘIRomaniaSt. Nicholas Cathedralnumber 6 in the cityCĂLĂRAȘIRomaniaVolna Churchnumber 7 in the cityCĂLĂRAȘIRomaniaAlexe ChurchMuseumsShow allnumber 2 in the cityCĂLĂRAȘIRomaniaCălărași Municipal Museumnumber 3 in the cityCĂLĂRAȘIRomaniaLower Danube MuseumBeachesShow allnumber 4 in the cityCĂLĂRAȘIRomaniaPodul 4 beachnumber 8 in the cityCĂLĂRAȘIRomaniaLarge BeachOther categories:AnimalsCathedrals