Lainici Monastery
Local name: Mănăstirea Lainici
The Orthodox monastery lies within the Defileul Jiului National Park. It was funded by Wallachian hospodar Jan Caradja. It was built in 1817 on the foundations of an older monastery, dated to the 14th century. One can see antique frescoes from 1860 and an iconostat composed of icons in the Byzantine style.
In July 2006, a copy of the miraculous icon from Dohiariu Monastery from Mount Athos was transferred to the monastery. It was made especially for the Lainici monastery and is the fifth copy made since the beginning of the 20th century around the world. Moreover, in 2009, the relics of St. Irodiona Ionescu, missing for 109 years.
From the end of the 20th century, a second, richly decorated church stands in the monastery. It consists of two parts, which symbolize two stages in the history of the church - the so-called Church in the catacombs and the modern church. The same division reflects a series of icons and frescoes.
Attractions inside