RomaniaBotoșaniBOTOȘANI tourist attractions+15 attractions Botoșani tourist mapSee on the mapBotoșani most popular citiesSee all cities+Botoșani+6attractions +Dorohoi+6attractions +Bălușeni+1attraction +Cristesti+1attraction +Coșula+1attraction Botoșani the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesChurchesShow allnumber 1 in the cityBĂLUȘENIRomaniaZosin Monasterynumber 1 in the cityCRISTESTIRomaniaVorona Monasterynumber 3 in the cityDOROHOIRomaniaCathedral of the Assumption of the Virginnumber 6 in the cityBOTOȘANIRomaniaDormition Churchnumber 4 in the cityDOROHOIRomaniaSt. Nicholas Churchnumber 5 in the cityDOROHOIRomaniaWooden churchMonasteriesShow allnumber 1 in the cityBĂLUȘENIRomaniaZosin Monasterynumber 1 in the cityCRISTESTIRomaniaVorona Monasterynumber 3 in the cityBOTOȘANIRomaniaPopăuți Monasterynumber 1 in the cityCOȘULARomaniaNew Zosin MonasteryMuseumsShow allnumber 1 in the cityDOROHOIRomaniaMuseum of Natural Sciencesnumber 4 in the cityBOTOȘANIRomaniaRegional History Museumnumber 2 in the cityDOROHOIRomaniaGeorge Enescu Memorial Museumnumber 5 in the cityBOTOȘANIRomaniaNicolae Iorga Memorial HouseOther categories:ParksNatural history museumsCathedrals