RomaniaBistrița-NăsăudBISTRIȚA-NĂSĂUD tourist attractions+14 attractions Bistrița-năsăud tourist mapSee on the mapBistrița-năsăud most popular citiesSee all cities+Bistrița+10attractions +Parva+1attraction +Colibița+1attraction +Josenii Bârgăului+1attraction +Livezile+1attraction Bistrița-năsăud the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesChurchesShow allnumber 1 in the cityBISTRIȚARomaniaEvangelical Churchnumber 9 in the cityBISTRIȚARomaniaChurch of the Presentation of Marynumber 10 in the cityBISTRIȚARomaniaChurch of the Holy Three Hierarchsnumber 1 in the cityJOSENII BÂRGĂULUIRomaniaStrâmba MonasteryMuseumsShow allnumber 3 in the cityBISTRIȚARomaniaBistriţa-Năsăud Museum Complexnumber 8 in the cityBISTRIȚARomaniaCasa Argintaruluinumber 1 in the cityLIVEZILERomaniaSaxon House MuseumParksShow allnumber 2 in the cityBISTRIȚARomaniaSchullerwaldnumber 4 in the cityBISTRIȚARomaniaCentral ParkOther categories:Natural history museumsMonasteries