RomaniaBacăuBACĂU tourist attractions+22 attractions Bacău tourist mapSee on the mapBacău most popular citiesSee all cities+Bacău+14attractions +Târgu Ocna+4attractions +Dofteana+2attractions +Tisa-Silvestri+1attraction +Dărmănești+1attraction Bacău the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesChurchesShow allnumber 1 in the cityTÂRGU OCNARomaniaMăgura Ocnei Monasterynumber 1 in the cityTISA-SILVESTRIRomaniaTisa-Silvestri Monasterynumber 4 in the cityBACĂURomaniaCathedral of Saints Peter and Paul Bacaunumber 7 in the cityBACĂURomaniaPrecista Orthodox Churchnumber 3 in the cityTÂRGU OCNARomaniaAnnunciation Churchnumber 8 in the cityBACĂURomaniaOrthodox Church of the Resurrection of the Lordnumber 13 in the cityBACĂURomaniaSt. Nicholas Orthodox Churchnumber 1 in the cityDĂRMĂNEȘTIRomaniaSt. Nicholas Churchnumber 4 in the cityTÂRGU OCNARomaniaChurch of the Assumptionnumber 14 in the cityBACĂURomaniaOrthodox Church of St. George and HeroesMuseumsShow allnumber 2 in the cityBACĂURomaniaVivariumnumber 3 in the cityBACĂURomaniaAstronomical Observatory Victor Anestinnumber 5 in the cityBACĂURomaniaIulian Antonescu Museum Complexnumber 6 in the cityBACĂURomaniaGeorge Bacovia Memorial Housenumber 10 in the cityBACĂURomaniaBacau Art Museumnumber 11 in the cityBACĂURomaniaMuseum of Natural Science Complexnumber 12 in the cityBACĂURomaniaNicu Enea Memorial HouseMonasteriesShow allnumber 1 in the cityTÂRGU OCNARomaniaMăgura Ocnei Monasterynumber 1 in the cityTISA-SILVESTRIRomaniaTisa-Silvestri MonasteryNatural history museumsShow allnumber 2 in the cityBACĂURomaniaVivariumnumber 11 in the cityBACĂURomaniaMuseum of Natural Science ComplexOther categories:ParksMinesPalacesCathedrals