The magnesite mine in Wirki (Wiery, Wierau), located on the Ślęza mountain at the foot of the extinct volcano Szczytna. A 2-kilometer tourist route was created in it, which descends to a depth of 82 m. The program of a guided tour includes visiting an adit, walking along the sidewalks and tasting of medicinal water. The exhibition presents minerals and mining equipment on the surface.
Original equipment and tools have survived in the mine in good technical condition, tracks with wagons for carriages, pump station, former explosives. A souvenir shop and a gastronomic stand, a car park and a camping site with permanent access to mineral water, utility room, toilets and washrooms operate at the mine.
The mineral water served in the mine comes from a source discovered in 1995. It has unique health properties due to the high content of magnesium with a simultaneous trace presence of sodium (the elements are in an inverted Ca: Mg ratio of 1: 4).
Attractions inside