Poland    Lower Silesia    Nowa Ruda    Prof. Joseph Wittig Museum
number 3 in the city

Prof. Joseph Wittig Museum

Local name: Muzeum prof. Josepha Wittiga

The Joseph Wittig Museum in Nowa Ruda is dedicated to the memory, life and work of the theologian, poet Joseph Wittig. Established in his former home. The interior of the office was recreated in one of the rooms. In another, a biographical exhibition was created of the artist, where his books, documents and other memorabilia associated with him are located.

Wittig's house is located in Nowa Ruda in the Olch Valley. The construction of the artist's house, according to his own design, began in 1926. The museum was founded in 1997 on the initiative of the Foundation for the Renewal of New Earth Region. Its official opening was attended by, among others the Wittig family and Fr. Cardinal Henryk Gulbinowicz.

Some of the museum exhibits, books and souvenirs of the artist come from the private collections of the Joseph Wittig family. The furniture that is collected in the facility comes from the old equipment of the theologian's home. However, the original documents presented in the museum are in the University Archives in Wroclaw.


Attractions inside

    Prof. Joseph Wittig Museum map
    Słupiecka 4257-402 Nowa Ruda , Poland