Gothic building erected between 1341-1363. The first Teutonic mayor of Lębork - Dytrych von Loupheim - was headquartered in it. It was the second largest castle in the Teutonic State - he gave up only Malbork. Repeatedly rebuilt, lost its original appearance. It is now the seat of the District Court.
In the Teutonic times, the castle was built on a rectangular plan measuring 50x60 m, had three rectangular towers and was surrounded by a moat. In addition, a canal was dug, which brought water from the Łeba river to the castle mill and brewery. The large living area had three storeys in addition to the cellars.
To this day, the outlines of ogival windows, Gothic stepped staircase and rectangular tower-shaped staircase have survived. Courts in the courthouse were given replicas of medieval tools for penalties and pillory.