In its heyday, the medieval defensive walls measured 1560 meters long and 7 meters high, and formed a closed whole. Currently only fragments of walls have survived, including the longest, measuring about 60 meters, located between ulica Mickiewicza and Młyńska. In turn, the currently highest fragment, 6 meters high, lies at ul. Maria Ludwika.
Originally, the city was surrounded by an earth embankment, a palisade and a moat, and the construction of brick and stone defensive walls began only in 1291. They were supplemented by three entrance gates to the city (Młyńska, Wysoka and Nowa) and 46 towers. After a great fire in the city, the walls were systematically lowered to a height of 3 meters, and the bricks and stone obtained in this way were used to rebuild buildings destroyed by fire. Then in the nineteenth city gates were demolished, and new houses were built in many places adjacent to the walls.
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