Gnien Il - Kunsill Ta L- Ewropa is a square located in the vicinity of Msida Marina. It has a strongly geometrized layout, divided between flower beds, flower beds and comfortable cobbled alleys. The park has a playground and a small restaurant. In Gnien Il - Kunsill Ta L- Ewropa it is forbidden to bring quadrupeds and feed pigeons.
Gnien Il - Kunsill Ta L- Ewropa is a convenient place for rest and walks. It is easily accessible to people with mobility disabilities, including wheelchair users. There are also toilets here. Among the trees growing on the square, different varieties of date and olive dominate, and low-stem vegetation is represented by water-resistant coarse-grained and succulents.
Being in Gnien Il - Kunsill Ta L- Ewropa you can go for a longer walk on Msida Marina - the best sheltered anchor of yachts in Valletta. Another interesting route for anyone interested in watching yachts is a hike around Manoel Island. It can be combined with a visit to Fort Manoel.
Attractions inside