Most popular museums and galleries LithuaniaUtena County Museums and galleries Utena county Museums and galleries Utena County mapSee on the map Utena county museums and galleries by popularity rating +MALATYLithuaniaMuseum of Ethnocosmology+ANYKŠČIAILithuaniaNarrow Gauge Railway Museum+KULIONYSLithuaniaMolėtai Astronomical Observatory+SALDUTIŠKILithuaniaVytautas Valius Ceramics Museum+ANTAZAVĖLithuaniaZarasai Region Craft Center+ANYKŠČIAILithuaniaMemorial Museum+JUKNĖNAILithuaniaMuseum of A. and M. Miškinių See museums and galleries in other regions Alytus County Kaunas County Klaipeda County Marijampole County Panevezys County Siauliai County Taurage County Telsiai County Utena County Vilnius County Other categories:MuseumsChurchesLookoutsBeaches