LatviaLatgaleStompakiSTOMPAKI tourist attractions+1 attraction Stompaki tourist mapSee on the mapStompaki top attractions Show allnr 1 in the citySTOMPAKILatvia"Stompaku Bogs" nature trailStompaki Popular in the area(distance from city center)nr 1 in the cityALŪKSNELatviaAluksne Museumnr 1 in the cityVECSTĀMERIENALatviaStāmeriena Castlenr 2 in the cityALŪKSNELatviaNature Museum "Environmental Labyrinth"nr 1 in the cityKORNETILatviaObservation tower in the reserve "Korneti-Peļļi"nr 1 in the cityRUUSMÄE KÜLAEstoniaRogosi Manor and Parknr 3 in the cityALŪKSNELatviaMary's Island+1Attraction inside nr 1 in the cityTEIRUMNĪKILatviaTeirumniki walking trailnr 4 in the cityALŪKSNELatviaErnst Glick Bible Museumnr 1 in the cityBALVILatviaRegional History Museumnr 5 in the cityALŪKSNELatviaAluksne Manor Parknr 1 in the cityGULBENELatviaGulbene Museumnr 1 in the cityNŪMIERŅALatviaNūmierņa Lookout Towernr 1 in the cityVIĻAKALatviaChurch of the Sacred Heart of Jesusnr 6 in the cityALŪKSNELatviaAlūksne Lakenr 2 in the cityVECSTĀMERIENALatviaSt. Alexander Nevsky Orthodox Churchnr 1 in the citySTĀMERIENALatviaGulbene - Aluksne Trainnr 2 in the cityKORNETILatvia"Cornets-Peļļi" Reservenr 1 in the cityMALNAVALatviaManor Parknr 7 in the cityALŪKSNELatviaPedestrian bridgenr 8 in the cityALŪKSNELatviaLivonian Order Castle Ruins