LatviaVidzemeMazsalacaMAZSALACA tourist attractions+2 attractions Mazsalaca tourist mapSee on the mapMazsalaca top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityMAZSALACALatviaSkaņākalns Nature Parknr 2 in the cityMAZSALACALatviaMazsalaca MuseumOther categories:MuseumsMazsalaca Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityKIEŚLatviaCesis CastleTOPnr 1 in the cityVITRUPELatviaVeczemju CliffsTOPnr 1 in the cityPÄRNUEstoniaPärnu Beachnr 2 in the cityKIEŚLatviaCesis History and Art Museumnr 1 in the cityCEMPILatviaLabyrinths of Beverinasnr 3 in the cityKIEŚLatviaCastle Park+4attractions inside nr 2 in the cityPÄRNUEstoniaPärnu mud bathsnr 3 in the cityPÄRNUEstoniaBeach Parknr 4 in the cityPÄRNUEstoniaPärnu coastal meadow hiking trailnr 1 in the cityVAIDAVALatviaSietiniezis Rock Formationnr 1 in the cityCĒSISLatviaOzolkalnsnr 1 in the cityCĒSISLatviaEagle Cliffsnr 4 in the cityKIEŚLatviaMay parknr 1 in the cityCĒSISLatviaCirulisi Nature Trailsnr 1 in the cityJŪRMALALatviaSalaca Valleynr 5 in the cityKIEŚLatviaSvētavotsnr 1 in the cityAINAŽILatviaAinaži North Piernr 1 in the cityVALGA LINNEstoniaMilitary Museum Theme Parknr 1 in the cityHELME ALEVIKEstoniaHelme Cavesnr 2 in the cityVALGA LINNEstoniaPedeli recreation area