The Zion Gate, also called the Gate of David is one of the eight gates of Jerusalem. It is a stone building erected in the 16th century, with an arched passage surrounded by a portal. It leads to the Armenian and Jewish Quarter within the Old City of Jerusalem.
The Zion Gate took its name from Mount Zion, in the direction of which it led. Archaeological excavations stretch on its outer side. Nearby there is also the Cenacle and the remains of the House of Caiaphas. The name Gate of David was given to it because of the tradition according to which the grave of David was to be located under the Upper Room. Bullet marks are visible on the gate. They come from the Israeli War of Independence in 1948 and the Six-Day War in 1967.
Attractions inside
The Zion Gate

The Zion Gate popular in the area
(distance from the attraction)