Ireland    Waterford    Kilmeaden    Mount Congreve Gardens
number 2 in the city

Mount Congreve Gardens

Mount Congreve Gardens are located just outside Waterford in the south of Ireland. It is an almost 30 hectare estate, where you can see a forest park and carefully maintained geometric gardens and shrub gardens.

Since the 17th century, the property has been in the hands of the Congreve family. It is a private garden, open to visitors only twice a week. There is an English-style park on almost 40 hectares of land, imitating a natural forest. Around the house there are gardens inspired by French baroque assumptions.

Rhododendrons, magnolias and various conifers can be seen in the park surrounding the Congreve estate, among others. Numerous varieties of bulbs and perennials bloom in the flower beds from spring to autumn. Walking routes have been marked out in the forest park, allowing you to get to know its most beautiful places.


Attractions inside

    Mount Congreve Gardens map
    Kilmeaden , Ireland