HungarySzabolcs-Szatmár-BeregThe most interesting citiesSzabolcs-szatmár-bereg the most interesting cities+2 Cities +1Nyíregyháza+9 attractions See the cityTOPnumber 1 in the cityNYÍREGYHÁZAHungaryZoo NyiregyhazaTOPnumber 2 in the cityNYÍREGYHÁZAHungaryAquarius water parkTOPnumber 3 in the cityNYÍREGYHÁZAHungaryVillage MuseumTOPnumber 4 in the cityNYÍREGYHÁZAHungaryAndras Josa MuseumTOPnumber 5 in the cityNYÍREGYHÁZAHungaryCathedral of Our Lady of the HungariansTOPnumber 6 in the cityNYÍREGYHÁZAHungaryTuzson Janos Botanical GardenTOPnumber 7 in the cityNYÍREGYHÁZAHungaryIsland of SostoTOPnumber 8 in the cityNYÍREGYHÁZAHungarySt. Nicholas Greek Catholic Cathedral+2Nyírpazony+1 attraction See the cityTOPnumber 1 in the cityNYÍRPAZONYHungaryNyiri Arboretum