number 1 in the city


Local name: Königsallee

The city boulevard is located in the Stadtmitte district and stretches 80 m wide and 1 km long, from the Hofgarten park to the Carl-Theodor-Straße. There are many shopping malls and exclusive boutiques here. Among them are brands such as Chanel, Armani, Hugo Boss, Gucci and Prada. There are also four art galleries and numerous restaurants and cafes.

A canal fed with water from the river Düssel runs through the center of the boulevard. It is 31 m wide and is surrounded by greenery on both sides. An interesting fact is that among the trees growing here live a large colony of parakeets of the species Alexandrinus. In 2012, their population on the boulevard alone was estimated at 1,500 individuals.

Various cultural events take place regularly on the boulevard. Here are organized, among others festivals, concerts and literary fairs.


Attractions inside

    Königsallee map
    Königsallee Düsseldorf , Germany