The dominant feature of the landscape of Tabor is a round tower standing on a hill and an adjacent city gate with a sloping, high roof. This is the place where the castle of Kotnov stood in the Middle Ages, partly rebuilt later into a brewery, and partly demolished. Currently, the tower offers a view of the city.
Kotnov Castle was probably built during the reign of Przemysł II. A small town gathered around him. The castle was severely damaged during a fire in the 16th century. Its importance also diminished due to the construction of a new city nearby, Tabor, which had its own fortifications. Over time, a brewery began operating in the castle's buildings, and in 1908 the entire east wing was demolished. Only a stone, cylindrical tower with a battlement remained. To this day, it reminds of the earliest history of the city.
Next to the former castle stands a late-Gothic city gate, called the Bechyńska. Its construction began in 1420. This is the only preserved city gate of Tabor. Basically, its form has not changed since the construction. It is a rectangular, two-storey building covered with a hip roof, a steep roof covered with tiles. The building has a pointed vaulted passage that once led outside of the city's fortifications.
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