Jenevermuseum, or museum of gnever jenever - a variety with a very dense consistency, produced from molasses with the addition of juniper berries. In the museum you can see a working distillery from the nineteenth century, thousands of glass bottles, glasses, glasses and several hundred advertising posters and about 10 thousand. labels used to identify different species of juniper liquor.
The museum offers sightseeing combined with tasting, but also a deeper and scientific approach to gin as part of a project called the Jenever Academy. Workshop participants can learn (studying recipes and tasting) dozens of jenevera varieties, find out what specific additives are used in production, and finally choose the most suitable alcohol variant for themselves.
The tradition of drinking gin in the Netherlands dates back to the 17th century. The formulation of the recipe is attributed to Franciscus Sylvius (Franz de la Boé, 1614-1672), a Dutch physician who distilled the still popular drink during the search for a diuretic to alleviate kidney stones.