Ирландия    Графство Карлоу    Carlow    Музей округа Карлоу
номер 2 в городе

Музей округа Карлоу

Локальное имя: Músaem Chontae Cheatharlach

Carlow County Museum is a local educational and cultural institution located in the Carlow Cultural Center. Its seat is in the building of the former convent of the Sisters of the Presentation. The museum has exhibits showing the history of Carlow from prehistoric times to the period after World War II.

The exhibition is divided chronologically. Here you can see items from excavations carried out in the county, including pottery, agricultural tools and jewelry, items of equipment from medieval churches and monasteries, documents related to the existence of large land estates during the English rule. In special showcases there are pieces of furniture from peasant, middle-class and noble houses in the area.

The most important monument in the museum's collection is the 19th-century carved pulpit from Carlow Cathedral. It is included in the Irish Times' 100 Items History of Ireland list, which includes artefacts in museums across the country.


Достопримечательности внутри

    Музей округа Карлоу карта
    Carlow , Ирландия