Polonia    Voivodato de Lubelskie    Lublin    Catedral de la Transfiguración del Señor.
número 24 en la ciudad

Catedral de la Transfiguración del Señor.

Nombre local: Sobór Przemienienia Pańskiego

It is a historic Orthodox cathedral built in the 16th century. It has a modest exterior architecture, but inside the temple you can admire a rich, late Renaissance iconostasis and the cult of the icon of the Virgin Mary.

The cathedral is the only example of a religious building in the Lublin Renaissance type in Lublin. The impressive iconostasis was created at the beginning of the 17th century, but some of its details were made a hundred years earlier. Some of the paintings were replaced with new ones in the 19th century. The iconostasis is over 9 meters long and almost 6 meters high.

In the interior of the Cathedral, the paintings over the barrel vault of the presbytery, depicting the Holy Spirit and figures of angels, attract attention. The cathedral contains images of the Mother of God, which are deeply venerated and considered miraculous: a copy of the Jerusalem Icon and a copy of the Lublin Icon.


Atracciónes dentro

    Catedral de la Transfiguración del Señor. mapa
    Ruska 1520-126 Lublin , Polonia