United KingdomEnglandNorfolkNORFOLK tourist attractions+9 attractions Norfolk tourist mapSee on the mapRegionsSandringham Norfolk most popular citiesSee all cities+Great Yarmouth+3attractions +Sandringham+2attractions +Sheringham+1attraction +Norwich+2attractions +Lenwade+1attraction Norfolk the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesBeachesShow allnumber 1 in the cityGREAT YARMOUTHUnited KingdomGreat Yarmouth Beachnumber 1 in the citySHERINGHAMUnited KingdomSheringham BeachAnimalsShow allnumber 2 in the cityGREAT YARMOUTHUnited KingdomSea Life Great Yarmouthnumber 1 in the cityLENWADEUnited KingdomRoarr! Dinosaur AdventureOther categories:MuseumsAquariumsGardens