SwedenGotland CountyGotlandiaBurgsvikBURGSVIK tourist attractions+3 attractions Burgsvik tourist mapSee on the mapBurgsvik top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityBURGSVIKSwedenHoburgsgubbennr 2 in the cityBURGSVIKSwedenHolmhällar Nature Reservenr 3 in the cityBURGSVIKSwedenHoburgs LighthouseBurgsvik Popular in the area(distance from city center)nr 1 in the cityHAVDHEMSwedenKattlunds Museigårdnr 1 in the citySTÅNGASwedenNärsholmen Lighthousenr 2 in the citySTÅNGASwedenVanges Gård Museum