Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park
Local name: Parque Natural de la Sierra de Grazalema
Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park covers an area of over 53,000 hectares and covers the biodiversity of the Sierra de Grazalema mountain range. Visitors can get to know the park by traversing numerous trekking routes. Particularly popular is the Hindidero-Gato cave system, about 10 kilometers long, and the La Verde gorge, which is charming due to the surrounding limestone rocks. The protected area is home to many endangered animals, including several species of vultures.
The park was established in 1977 as the first protected area in Andalusia. In the park, apart from mountain peaks, there are settlements and towns, valleys, forests and farmland. The cultivation of olives and the traditional production of cheese and honey are very popular. Residents also deal with carpentry, creating wicker ornaments and leather processing. The buildings are made of whitewashed walls and red clay roofs.
Attractions inside