SpainCanary IslandsGran CanariaMontaña de ArenaMONTAÑA DE ARENA tourist attractions+1 attraction Montaña de Arena tourist mapSee on the mapMontaña de Arena top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityMONTAÑA DE ARENASpainSand Mountain BeachOther categories:BeachesMontaña de Arena Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityMOGÁNSpainAmadores BeachTOPnr 1 in the cityLOMO QUIEBRESpainMogán PortTOPnr 1 in the cityLAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIASpainSanta Catalina ParkTOPnr 1 in the cityLLANOS DE LA PEZSpainRoque NubloTOPnr 2 in the cityLAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIASpainLas Canteras beachTOPnr 1 in the cityMASPALOMASSpainNatural Reserve of Dunas de MaspalomasTOPnr 2 in the cityMASPALOMASSpainPalmitos Park+5attractions inside TOPnr 3 in the cityMASPALOMASSpainLighthouse of MaspalomasTOPnr 3 in the cityLAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIASpainAquarium Poema del MarTOPnr 4 in the cityMASPALOMASSpainAqualand MaspalomasTOPnr 4 in the cityLAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIASpainCanarian Botanical Garden Viera y ClavijoTOPnr 1 in the cityTERORSpainBasilica Our Lady of the Pine+1Attraction inside TOPnr 5 in the cityLAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIASpainLas Palmas Cathedral+2attractions inside nr 1 in the citySAN BARTOLOMÉ DE TIRAJANASpainThe Pond of Maspalomasnr 6 in the cityLAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIASpainVegueta Marketnr 7 in the cityLAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIASpainDoramas Parknr 8 in the cityLAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIASpainHouse of Columbusnr 9 in the cityLAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIASpainElder Museum of Science and Technologynr 1 in the cityLAS PALMASSpainInglés Beachnr 10 in the cityLAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIASpainSan Telmo Park