Most popular parks and gardens SpainMajorca Parks and gardens Majorca Parks and gardens Majorca mapSee on the map Majorca parks and gardens by popularity rating +PALMA DE MALLORCASpainGardens of Alfabia+SES SALINESSpainBotanicactus+PALMA DE MALLORCASpainPark of the Sea+SÓLLERSpainSoller Botanical Garden+PALMA DE MALLORCASpainKing's garden+PALMA DE MALLORCASpainPark les Estacions+LLUCSpainBotanical Garden+VALLDEMOSSASpainGardens Rei Joan Carles+POLLENÇASpainGarden de Joan March See parks and gardens in other regions Ibiza Majorca Menorca Other categories:BeachesMuseumsChurchesLookoutsGardensCastlesCavesPublic squaresSanctuariesBotanical GardensAnimalsMonasteriesLakesParksMonumentsAquariumsNatural history museums