The ruins of the Hrušov castle rise on Skalka Mountain, at an altitude of 488 m above sea level. They are located in the Tribeč mountain range in the west of Slovakia. The nearest town is Skyvoc, from which you can reach the castle by choosing one of the hiking trails.
The first mention of the castle comes from 1293. It was probably built by the Csaków family to guard the trade route leading through the Tribeč mountain range. At the turn of the century, it changed owners many times. He belonged, among others to the king, archbishop and many noble families. In the mid-16th century it was rebuilt in the Renaissance style by the then administrators - Juraj and Tomáš from Topoľčianok. From then on, he served not only a defensive but also a representative function. In 1708, during the anti-Habsburg uprising, the castle was conquered by the imperial army and from then on it began to slowly fall into ruin. Maintenance works saved him from complete destruction.
The ruins are in good, durable condition. Fragments of walls and towers of the middle castle, cellar vaults, window openings and sections of stone stairs have survived.
Attractions inside