RomaniaSălajSĂLAJ tourist attractions+9 attractions Sălaj tourist mapSee on the mapSălaj most popular citiesSee all cities+Moigrad-Porolissum+2attractions +Jibou+1attraction +Șimleu Silvaniei+3attractions +Bic+1attraction +Iaz+1attraction +Cehei+1attraction Sălaj the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesChurchesShow allnumber 1 in the cityBICRomaniaBic Monasterynumber 3 in the cityȘIMLEU SILVANIEIRomaniaSts. Constantine and Helena Churchnumber 1 in the cityCEHEIRomaniaWooden church in CeheiMuseumsShow allnumber 1 in the cityMOIGRAD-POROLISSUMRomaniaDaco-Roman Archaeological Complex Porolissum+1Attraction inside number 2 in the cityȘIMLEU SILVANIEIRomaniaHolocaust Memorial Museumnumber 1 in the cityIAZRomaniaFolk Art MuseumOther categories:CastlesBotanical GardensMonasteriesGardens