Poland    Silesia    Rycerka Górna    PTTK mountain hostel on Wielka Racza
number 3 in the city

PTTK mountain hostel on Wielka Racza

Local name: Schronisko PTTK na Wielkiej Raczy

The mountain lodge PTTK on Wielka Raczy offers accommodation in renovated 6, 7, 8 and 10-bed rooms and the possibility of tenting when empty beds are missing. The food is provided by the local eatery and buffet. There is also a Finnish bath.

The hostel has a snow shoe rental service, useful in the winter season. The Upper Knight's area crosses ten marked hiking trails. Zwardoń route - Wielka Racza - Przegibek - Knight knight, considered one of the heaviest in the Beskid Żywiecki. In addition, there is an educational pathway for the Żywiec Landscape Park and numerous chapels and roadside figurines.

The hostel has existed since the mid 1930s. After the devastation suffered during the Second World War, in 1963 it was decided to demolish it. Survived by the initiative of PTTK activists, including Edward Moskała.


Attractions inside

    PTTK mountain hostel on Wielka Racza map
    34-370 Rycerka Górna , Poland