Poland    West Pomerania    Niechorze    Niechorze lighthouse
number 1 in the city

Niechorze lighthouse

Local name: Latarnia morska

Lighthouse in Niechorze is one of the most beautiful buildings of this type on the Polish coast. This nineteenth-century construction was built on high cliff and is towering over the rest of city's buildings. From its observation deck, which is located at 37m, picturesque view on Rewalskie Coast can be seen.

Lighthouse is made of brick. It is placed between Kikut Lighthouse and Kołobrzeg Lighthouse. Its base has rectangular shape while the next part is octagonal. Lighthouse is topped by glazed room with a domed roof. In old times, rapeseed oil was used as a source of light but today it's a lightbulb enhanced by system of prisms.

Lighthouse was built in 1866 by Germans. It was destroyed at the end of World War II. Eight mines were placed inside but fortunately lighthouse keepers found them and building wasn't entirely destroyed. After a few renovations, it was adapted for sightseeing.


Attractions inside

    Niechorze lighthouse map
    Polna 3072-350 Niechorze , Poland