number 3 in the city

Sokolica - 747 m

Local name: Sokolica - 747 m n.p.m.

Sokolica is next to the Three Crowns the most visited by tourists peak in the Pieniny. It rises almost vertical, 300-meter wall above the Dunajec Valley. The access is from the north, where the slopes are gentler and forested. At the top there is a viewpoint fenced with railings. Relict pine grows here, which is estimated to be 500 years old. In September 2018, the upper branch of the pine was damaged during a rescue operation using a helicopter.

Sokolica is 747 m above sea level, however, due to its location above the Dunajec valley and rocky walls, it seems higher. It is followed by a blue trail from the Szopka Pass through the Three Crowns and the Pieniny Castle. It is also possible to approach from the side of the Pienińska Road with its further part.

The peak offers a view of the Dunajec Gorge. The river creates sharp bends behind the mountain slopes. In turn, the peak itself is best admired from the rafting boat crossing the Gorge. From the river level it looks extremely majestic.


Attractions inside

    Sokolica - 747 m map
    Krościenko nad Dunajcem , Poland