The Lace Museum in Koniaków is a place where you can see wardrobe items and items made of lace. A special exhibit is the unfinished tablecloth, which was made to the order of Queen Elizabeth II. The facility is dedicated to Maria Gwarek - an extremely talented lace-maker, and Koniaków lace-making itself has been inscribed on the UNESCO national heritage list.
Inside, mainly exposed lace bonnets, scarves, orifices, collars, lingerie decorations, curtains, and even "thongs" - quite controversial women's underwear called by the older "Threads in the rivets". The most important exhibit is the unfinished drape, made for the queen. Her author was Maria Gwarek, who unexpectedly died during work. Interestingly, she used surgical sutures to complete the work.
In addition to the role of an outstanding artist, Maria Gwarek also acted as an active activist. It was mainly on her initiative that the Lace Cooperative was founded in Koniaków, and she herself was an instructor there. Thanks to her, Koniaków lace making gained popularity not only in Poland but also in the world, and the artist herself carried out orders for the queen and Pope John XXIII.
Attractions inside