North MacedoniaNortheastern RegionNORTHEASTERN REGION tourist attractions+9 attractions Northeastern region tourist mapSee on the mapNortheastern region most popular citiesSee all cities+Kriva Palanka+1attraction +Kokino+1attraction +Kumanovo+5attractions +Skachovce+1attraction +Tromegja+1attraction Northeastern region the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesChurchesShow allnumber 1 in the citySKACHOVCENorth MacedoniaOrthodox Church of St. Trinitynumber 1 in the cityTROMEGJANorth MacedoniaOrthodox Church St. GeorgeMuseumsShow allnumber 1 in the cityKOKINONorth MacedoniaKokino megalithic observatorynumber 3 in the cityKUMANOVONorth MacedoniaKumanovo MuseumOther categories:MonumentsMonasteries