North MacedoniaPelagonia RegionBelovodicaBELOVODICA tourist attractions+1 attraction Belovodica tourist mapSee on the mapBelovodica top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityBELOVODICANorth MacedoniaMarble LakeOther categories:LakesBelovodica Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityNIZHEPOLENorth MacedoniaPelister National ParkTOPnr 1 in the cityBITOLANorth MacedoniaClock towerTOPnr 2 in the cityBITOLANorth MacedoniaMuseum of Bitolanr 1 in the cityPRILEPNorth MacedoniaClock towernr 3 in the cityBITOLANorth MacedoniaŠirok Sokaknr 4 in the cityBITOLANorth MacedoniaHeraclea Lyncestisnr 1 in the cityKRUSHEVONorth MacedoniaToše Proeski Memorial Housenr 1 in the cityFLORINAGreeceKajmakczalan peaknr 2 in the cityKRUSHEVONorth MacedoniaIlindennr 5 in the cityBITOLANorth MacedoniaBitola Zoonr 2 in the cityPRILEPNorth MacedoniaTreskawec Monasterynr 14 in the citySKOPJENorth MacedoniaStobinr 1 in the cityZRZENorth MacedoniaMonastery of the Holy Transfigurationnr 1 in the cityKAVADARCINorth MacedoniaKosturnica Memorialnr 1 in the cityMAGAREVONorth MacedoniaKopanki Ski Resortnr 1 in the citySHTIPNorth MacedoniaIsar Fortressnr 6 in the cityBITOLANorth MacedoniaSt. Gabriel the Archangel Churchnr 1 in the cityLOKVICANorth MacedoniaPešna Cavenr 13 in the cityOHRIDNorth MacedoniaSt. John the Baptist Churchnr 3 in the cityPRILEPNorth MacedoniaMonastery of St. Archangel Michael